Services start as low as $150
A higher standard of clean



Institutions such as schools and universities often have an increasingly high occupancy rate which makes the building occupants more susceptible to a multitude of infectious diseases including elevated risks for airborne transmission and infection.

In the United States, children spend roughly one third of their day for nine months of the year within school environments. Some of the potential risks at school are the recreational equipment, books, supplies, and other facilities that are contaminated with organic solvents, bacteria, vector-borne diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, and dengue fever. Preventing childhood exposure to environmental hazards can help reduce the risk of developing diseases in the physical school environment.

An unhealthy physical school environment can impact the comfort and health of students and staff, which, in turn affect concentration, attendance, and student performance.


  • Dramatically improve Indoor Air Quality which is often the cause of “Sick Building Syndrome” symptoms & Building Related Illnesses (BRI)
  • Reduce bacterial diseases and bio-chemical contaminants which may affect workplace and/or student absenteeism
  • Destroy thousands of contaminants including viruses, bacteria, mold, allergens, germs, chemicals, VOCs
  • A “Green” Technology